Ill Health

Health is harmony;
disease is a disturbance of harmony.

Illness is an inharmony,
either a physical inharmony or mental inharmony,
the one acts upon the other.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan

When we are out of tune with ourselves,
we are sick.
-Shaun de Warren

Every sickness is a musical problem.
every cure is a musical solution.

Disease is a message that we are not loving ourselves
and are denying our goodness, our needs and our worth.
-Shivani Goodman

It is safe to say that all sickness and unhappiness 
come from the violation of the law of love. 
-Florence Scovel Shinn

A sigh breaks the body in half.

All sicknesses begin 
when man tries to cut himself from the vine.
-Torkom Saraydarian

All diseases are instigated by one's state of mind.
-Chogyam Trungpa

All disease comes from a state of unforgiveness.
-A Course in Miracles

It is not the sickness that is the big problem,
but the psychological state behind it.
We could not have gotten sick in the first place
without some kind of loss of interest and attention.
-Chogyam Trungpa

We ceased to relate to things properly.
There was no ongoing awareness of our psychological state.
-Chogyam Trungpa

An illness of the body is always the outer expression and translation 
of a disorder, a disharmony in the inner being;
until this inner disorder is healed,
the outer cure cannot be total and permanent.
-Mirra Alfassa, "The Mother"

Disorder in any part of the body
indicates a wrong attitude
living somewhere in the mind.
-Rebecca Clark

All illness, without exception,
exists because of the allowance,
usually over quite a long period of time,
of negative emotion.
-Esther Hicks, "Abraham"

Treating the body is really about treating the mind.
It is all psychosomatic - every bit of it.
No exceptions.
-Esther Hicks, "Abraham"

You have made it [the body] a symbol for the limitations
that you want your mind to have and to see and to keep.
-A Course in Miracles

Observe your symptoms.
They are your wise friends
asking you to give up what caused them.
-Carolyn Mary Kleefeld

Our bodies demand attention;
our bodies demand that we actually pay attention
to what is going on with our lives.
Illness brings us down to earth,
making things seem such more direct and immediate.
-Chogyam Trungpa

We view our desire to be rid of disease as a desire to live.
But instead it is often just the opposite:
it is an attempt to avoid life.
Although we seemingly want to be alive,
in fact we simply want to avoid intensity.
It is an ironic twist:
we actually want to be healed in order to avoid life.
-Chogyam Trungpa

All disease is a reminder to us
to return to a state of oneness.
-Shaun de Warren

All disease is a means towards some new joy of health.
-Aurobindo Ghose

(Ask) not what kind of disease the person has,
ask what kind of person has the disease.
-William Osler

His nature made the disease.
-Aurobindo Ghose

No medicine cures
what happiness cannot.
-Gabriel Garcia Marquez

You are ill because you do not really love health.
-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

In every illness the imagination plays its role.
The greater the imagination, the greater becomes that illness.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan

If the essential core of the person is denied or suppressed,
he gets sick sometimes in obvious ways, sometimes in subtle ways,
sometimes immediately, sometimes later.
-Abraham Maslow

Every time you say something to yourself
containing a negative emotional charge,
it has a tiny by measurable negative effect on your body.
-Dennis Jaffe

Illness always comes
when a person has lost the control of the self.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan

If my body is diseased in any part,
it is an indication that there is in back of this condition
wrong thinking or emotional conflict which I must correct.
-John Seaman Garns

He affirms, 'I am fighting against my illness',
which means he establishes illness in himself.
He fights against something which he affirms to be existing.
In his belief he gives the first place to the illness;
the second place in his belief he gives to the imagination of curing it.
Thus the power with which he wishes to remove his illness
is much smaller than the power
which is already established in him by the illness.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan

Most illnesses do not, as is generally thought,
come like a bolt out of the blue.
The ground is prepared for years,
through faulty diets, intemperance, overwork, and moral conflicts,
slowly eroding the subjects' vitality.
-Paul Tourier

Gluttony is the source of all our infirmities
and the fountain of all our diseases.
As a lamp is choked by a superabundance of oil,
and a fire extinguished by excess of fuel,
so tis the natural health of the body destroyed by intemperate diet.
-Sir Robert Burton

The sap of life runs murky in his veins.

Disease is the retribution 
of outraged Nature.
-Hosea Ballou

Disease can only thrive in the impure.
-Christian Larson

Illness is nothing but an accumulation
of foreign matter in the body,
and if you want to cure your body
you have to clean out that foreign matter.
This is the true understanding of health: purity.
-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Misdirected life force is the activity in the disease process.
Disease has no energy save what it borrows
from the life of the organism.

Acute illnesses are, with a few exceptions,
nothing other than curative processes instituted by nature itself
to remedy some disorder in the organism.
-Arthur Schopenhauer

Illness is a convent,
which has its rule, its austerity,
its silences and its inspirations.
-Albert Camus

Health is,
whereas sickness is an imbalance.
-Shaun de Warren

Health is one, diseases are many.
One health conquers all diseases.
-Chandra Mohan Jain, "Osho"

Disease has an existence in the physical arena
and in the mind, but not in the self.
-Shaun de Warren

Disease can be seen as a call
for personal transformation through metamorphosis.
It is a transition from the death of your old self
into the birth of your new.
-Tom O'Connor

From the patient's point of view,
that is precisely what is needed:
someone acknowledges his existence
and the fact that he needs help very badly.
Someone actually sees through his sickness.
The healing process can then begin to take place in the patient's state of being,
because he realized that someone has communicated with him completely
There has been a mutual glimpse of common ground.
The psychological underpinning of the sickness
then begins to come apart, to dissolve.
-Chogyam Trungpa

To anticipate pathology
is, functionally, tantamount to intending it.
-Thomas Hanna

Of all the self-fulfilling prophecies in our culture,
the assumption that aging means decline and poor health
 is probably the deadliest.
-Marilyn Ferguson

Disease is needlessly prolonged
and ends in death oftener than is inevitable,
because the mind of the patient supports and dwells upon
the disease of his body.
-Aurobindo Ghose

To die is alright,
we all have to die sooner or later,
but what we must do is
not allow the body to degenerate while living.
-Vanda Scaravelli

When fear disappears, the foundation of disease is gone.
-Mary Baker Eddy

Do not love your ill-health
and the ill-health will leave you.
Mirra Alfassa, "The Mother"

There are no incurable diseases.
-Christian Larson